Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is frequently found to be at elevated levels within homes and is estimated to kill about 21,000 people per year in the United States. In NE Kansas, about 1 in 4 houses tests positive for elevated levels of radon.
Know the facts:
- Radon exposure in homes and other indoor environments is the leading cause of lung cancer death for non-smokers in the United States, and the second overall cause of lung cancer death behind tobacco smoking.
- All houses have the potential to have elevated levels of radon, regardless of age of construction, whether it has a basement, or any other factor.
- The only way to know if a house has a radon problem is to test
By Kansas law, any radon testing on a house during a real estate transaction must be performed by a state certified third party.
Home Buyers, test before you purchase
The benefit of including a radon test into a real estate transaction is that if test results show radon levels to be high, then the buyer can use this knowledge in the negotiation process.
When a house has elevated radon levels, installing a mitigation system based on well established venting techniques is the appropriate course of action. A mitigation system can cost $800-$1500 or more, and a competent realtor will negotiate for this cost to be covered or shared by the seller.
Home Owners, it is cheap and easy to test
It’s a fact: Home owners can cheaply and easily test for radon themselves. The Kansas Radon Program can provide inexpensive test kits that cost about $10.
Protect your family today by testing for radon in your home
Kansas Radon Program
Citizen’s Guide to Radon
Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon
Consumer’s Guide to Radon Reduction